Indexed Journal

Publication Impact Factor (PIF) 4.520


Welcome to IDC INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL, is devoted to a researcher who is working independently in the search of knowledge or in general any systematic investigation to establish facts. It encourages a broad spectrum of contribution in the following fields :: Chemical Sciences :: Engineering and Technology :: Mass Communication :: Social Science :: Medicine :: Mathematics and Physical :: Management :: Education :: Humanities :: Law :: Life Sciences :: Paramedical Science


Authors are invited to submit with us their writing (Full research Papers and Communications, Reviews and Book Reviews).
Journal accepts only electronic submissions. The text, tables, and figures should be included in a single Microsoft Word file (Arial font). Author can submit it as an e-mail attachment to the,
The cover letter must include the corresponding author's full address and telephone/fax numbers and e-mail address. Manuscripts submitted to IDC will be editorially reviewed for appropriate content; submissions will be accepted and published at the editor's discretion.

Editorial Board